If you imagine a character, you also imagine their eye color. You can use this in your writing to define your character – or lead your readers astray. We give an overview of what different eye colors mean, and how you can express them in different terms.


Connect with nature, learn more things, and become part of your natural surroundings. This article will tell you how to approach one of the core routines of wilderness training: journaling.

Image by http://bit.ly/2I385zh

If your readers are having trouble understanding what you’re trying to say, you have a huge problem. Simplify your content to ensure it can be understood by a wide array of audience. You do want your content to reach far and wide, right?

Image by http://bit.ly/2rLaTcf

So, you’ve written the best piece ever and you’re ready to publish it. You better make sure the headline is good enough to catch people’s attention. Discover simple steps to write better headlines right in this article.

Image by http://bit.ly/2EERjUO

Whether you’re writing for fun or profit, there’s one fact that you must understand – people want to read interesting content. As a writer, you have no other choice but to deliver. If you’re not sure how to do it, just follow these 5 easy steps.

Image by http://bit.ly/2nFfMR9

Become an even better writer than you already are! Check out these three strategies that will help you to improve your writing – skill and style – and make you an overall better author.