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Stand and stay are English words that are easily confused, especially by non-native speakers. Learn the exact definition of these everyday words to never use them in the wrong context again!

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Lie as in not telling the truth and lie as in being in a horizontal position are verbs that sound and look exactly the same. Yet, it’s not only their meaning that differs, but also it’s tenses. Don’t get them mixed up with this table. Plus, find out how the verb “to lay” fits into the picture.

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There’s more than just sadness and anger, happiness or fear! Improve your writing and make your characters more relatable by giving them emotions that differ from the overused ones and thus can make them seem more life-like. Connect with your audience using different feelings.

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Grammar and spelling mistakes are bad, yes, but there are way worse mistakes you can make while writing. Especially in NaNoWriMo where you have to finish your novel in one month, delays and mistakes that set you back for weeks are terminal. We list 5 mistakes you could make but can now avoid making since you know about them!

You won’t believe these 9 reasons why handwriting benefits our brains. See the difference in impact which writing with our hands has on us when compared to methods such as typing, texting and others. You won’t believe the benefits your mind and health.

Don’t send out another message before reading these 11 tips for writing emails correctly. See why they are so important and how ignoring them may end up costing you some friendships or even your job.

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Deadlines are important and distinguish the serious writer from a dreamer. Check out this articles with tips on how to write on a deadline. Turn the time limit you have for your article, book or essay into an effective time schedule.

Writing can be a painful task. Not on the same day, but the evening or day after. Sore shoulders, hurting wrists… Fight against that by applying and incorporating these basic stretches into your writing routine. Your body will be thankful.