This article containing 23 baby names that are banned around the world is very interesting. Find out what names are prohibited and what countries they are banned in. Some of the names on the list will make you laugh and leave you shocked.

If you have trouble telling the words add vs. ad apart and which one to use properly, then this guide can help. See how to be able to tell the two almost identical words apart easily and quickly.

Real helpful article showing how to use WhatsApp to learn English. Find out how you can use the popular mobile app to get better at spelling, speaking and writing English as you have fun chatting with friends and family all over the world.

The words stationery vs. stationary and which one to use are a question many people often ask. This guide not only shows you the difference between the two, but also tips to help you tel them apart. See both sample sentences of both words used

Find the answer to the question of what was the 27th character that was removed from the alphabet. Don’t miss reading why the ampersand was that character and why it was removed from the alphabet. Interesting facts & history of the ampersand.