For those having problems on how to tell farther vs. further apart & which one to use correctly, this guide shows you how. Many examples and easy to follow tips that help tell the differences between the two similar words.

You don’t want to miss these tips on how to write a research paper. This guide contains a helpful step by step process showing you where to begin, finding a topic, and organizing your info. Other tips to make sure your research paper is a complete success.

Very helpful article detailing the redundancies to avoid when writing. Many examples showing why writers often make the mistake of using similar words in succession. Also, an entire list of redundant words to avoid using.

Don’t miss reading this article which is all about interjections with examples list. See how so many people use them and why they are so important. Also, find out what has been replacing interjections these days as well.

These tips on writing a letter of condolence offer a lot of help for anyone who needs help. See an example letter which shows you what steps to consider when addressing someone who lost someone dear to them.

Don’t send out another message before reading these 11 tips for writing emails correctly. See why they are so important and how ignoring them may end up costing you some friendships or even your job.

Take a look at this guide which shows the correct way on using bi, by, buy and bye homophones. These similar spelled and sounding words can cause confusion for some people. Many useful tips and examples to help you tell them apart.