95 Slang Words For Money And Their Meanings

People really love money since it is needed to buy just about everything. Perhaps the fact that money is so important may help to explain why there are so many different ways to say it. These 95 slang words for money and their meanings are really worth taking a look at. This list not only contains the countless ways to speak, write or say the word money, but also what are the meanings behind each phrase or term.
Money is by far one of those words that has more slangs or terms for it than any others. This proves that cash or money, does not have be boring when speaking about it. Just keep in mind that these slang synonyms are in plural form. They are also words mostly used for US currency. Lastly, remember to never use any of these slangs for money if you are doing formal writing.
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The Slang Words For Money List
- Benjamins – This reference to money comes from the face of Benjamin Franklin which is found on the 100 dollar bill.
- Bacon – No this is not about food. Bringing ‘home the bacon’ means just that, you are bringing home the money.
- Bank – Using this term when speaking about money is never about the banking institution
- Bands – Since most people with large rolls of cash need rubber bands to hold them together, this where the word comes from.
- Big Ones – In reference to having multiple thousands.
- Bankrolls – Oh, the joy of having rolls of paper money.
- Bills – If you have a lot of one hundred dollar bills, then this is the term to use.
- Big Bucks – When referring to receiving employment compensation or payments, this is where the term applies.
- Biscuits – No, we are not referring to cookies here. This is what you call money in slang. Unknow origin.
- Bisquick – Same as above, only getting money at a faster clip.
- Bones – Skeletons need not apply to this term, only dollars. Unknown origin.
- Bread – Since cash is the staple of life, the term bread is applied well here.
- Bookoo Bucks – Same as big bucks.
- Broccoli – Since the vegetable is green, just like cash, the slang fits.
- Buckaroos – All cash money in general.
- Cabbage – Cash money is green, so is cabbage.
- Cheddar – Cheese is often distributed by the government to welfare recipients. The origin of this is unknown, but most seem to agree that this is where the term came from.
- Chedda – Another way of saying cheddar.
- Cake – Since cake is the same as bread or dough, then it means money.
- Cash – Nuff said.
- Cash Money – See above.
- Chits – This originated from signed notes for money owed on drinks, food or anything else.
- Chips – Since having a large sum of poker chips means you have money.
- CREAM – This word is an acronym which means “Cash Rules Everything Around Me.”
- Clams – If you got clams, then you got money.
- Coin – Whether paper or coin, if you got it, then you got cash.
- Chump Change – This refers to money, but only small sums of it.
- Cs or C-notes – The Roman symbol for one hundred is C so this goes back to that.
- Dead Presidents – This is reference to all the presidents which appear on the US currency.
- Dime – When you have multiple sums of ten dollar bills, you got a lot of dimes.
- Dinero – Meaning money is Latin, this originated from the currency of Christian states in Spain.
- Doubloons – Gold doubloons equals money.
- Dough – If you got the dough, then you definitely have some cash.
- Doubles – In reference to 20 dollar bills.
- Dubs – Same as above
- Ducats – In reference to the Italian coin.
- Fins – Not the fish, but the five dollar bills.
- Five Spots – $5.00 dollar bills.
- Fivers – Same as above.
- Fetti – This term originated from the Spanish term ‘Feria’ which means money, of course.
- Franklins – Benjamin Franklin is very popular in the slang world. This is in reference to him and the $100.00 bill.
- Frog – Unclear of origin, meaning a $50 bet on a horse.
- Frog Skins – Cash money in general.
- Folding Stuff – Reference to paper money being able to be folded.
- Greenbacks – Term from the color of the ink on the money.
- Grand – This term dates back to the early 1900’s when having a thousand dollars was considered to be very grand or a grand sum of money.
- G’s – If you got G’s, then you got a lot of cash – Reference to thousands.
- Gold – In any language, gold equals money since it is a tangible product for countless of years.
- Green – This is in reference to the color of money being green in paper money.
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- Guineas – Term used due to the coin which was minted in England during the years 1663 to 1813.
- Guac – Guacamoles are green in color so this is where the short version comes from.
- Gwop – Currency in general.
- Half-yard – In terms of the fifty dollar bill.
- Hundies – All about the hundred dollar bills.
- Jacksons – The president Andrew Jackson is on the $20 bill. If you got ‘Jacksons,’ then you got cash!
- Knots – Wads of money are usually in knots.
- Large – Term used for the thousand dollar bill.
- Lettuce – Another green vegetable with a green color which means paper money.
- Long Green – This comes from the paper money’s color and shape.
- Lucre – Derives from the biblical term ‘Filthy lucre’ which means ‘money gained illicitly’.
- Loot – This term originally came from reference of spoils of war or other money earned unlawfully.
- Lolly – The origin is unknown but it is in reference to money in general.
- Lucci – This can be another version of lucre – although real origin unknown.
- Mega Bucks – Same as big bucks
- Monkey – This originated from the British slang for 500 pounds of sterling. When soldiers returned from India, they had a 500 rupee note which had an image of a monkey.
- Moola – Also spelled moolah, the origin of this word is unknown. It is about money in general terms.
- Notes – Just like C-notes, this refers to bank notes from a financial institution.
- Nuggets – The reference is from gold being a term of money.
- Nickel – Based on the five dollar bill. This refers to multiplying the value of the five-cent coin.
- Ones – Dollar bills, same as fives, tens and so on.
- OPM – Acronym for Other People’s Money.
- Paper – Money in paper bills of any kind.
- Pesos – Latin for money or dollars. The peso is the currency in Mexico and sevaral other latin countries.
- Payola – This is reference to money earned via a paycheck or for labor done.
- Plunder – Just like the real word and its meaning, stolen money.
- Quid – Reference to British currency which means one pound or 100 pence.
- Quarter – Referring to twenty five dollars. This goes back to multiplying the value of the coin for 25 cents.
- Rack – This refers to money when talking about thousands. Each rack is synonymous for dollars.
- Rock – If you got the rock, you got a million dollars.
- Roll – Short term which refers to bankroll one may have.
- Scratch – Refers to money in general. The origin is unknown though.
- Scrilla (Also spelled Skrilla) – Slang possibly formed from other terms such as scrolls (meaning paper) and paper meaning money.
- Sawbucks – This terms is in reference to the Roman symbol for ten – X – or a sawhorse.
- Shekels – Derives from the biblical terms, meaning dollars.
- Smackers – Reference to dollars. Origin unknown.
- Singles – Dollar bills equals money in singles.
- Simoleons – Used from the slang from British sixpence, napoleon from French currency and the American dollar combination.
- Spondulix – Derives from the Greek word ‘Spondylus’ which was a shell used a form of currency once.
- Stacks – Referring to having multiple stacks of thousand dollars.
- Ten-spot – Meaning ten dollar bills.
- Tenners – Same as above.
- Two-bits – A reference to the divisible sections of a Mexican ‘real’ or dollar. Also twenty five cents.
- Wad – Have a bundle of paper money.
- Wonga – This derives from the English Romany word for money.
- Yard – Meaning one hundred dollars.