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You can check an already published blog article automatically for grammar and spelling mistakes. How? This tutorial will show you hot to easily check a blog article that is already online – automatically, fast and for free!

The pair of apart and a part is easily confused in the English language. While they sound almost the same, they have very different meanings. Find out how to use the correct version when writing with the help of the different meanings and more useful tricks!

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Free and online grammar and spelling check for images? Yes, this is possible! Check images of slides or scanned pages for spelling mistakes by using and its free spellchecking services.

The words awhile vs. a while often causes problems for many people. Since they both are so similar, a lot of us have issues deciding between both of them. This article has many tips showing how to tell them apart and when to use them properly.

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Stand and stay are English words that are easily confused, especially by non-native speakers. Learn the exact definition of these everyday words to never use them in the wrong context again!

If you ever wondered what the difference between an abbreviation and an acronym are, then don’t miss reading all you need to know about acronyms. See which ones are the most used and why they are considered as such.

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Lie as in not telling the truth and lie as in being in a horizontal position are verbs that sound and look exactly the same. Yet, it’s not only their meaning that differs, but also it’s tenses. Don’t get them mixed up with this table. Plus, find out how the verb “to lay” fits into the picture.

You do not want to miss reading this haves and have-nots explained article. Find out how this famous idiom came to be and why it was and still is so widely used. The answers may surprise you.