95 Slang Words For Money And Their Meanings
This article containing 95 slang words for money and their meaning will really amaze you. You won’t believe how some of these funny and interesting terms came to be synonymous with cash money.
Posts about topics covering the correct use of commonly misused words
This article containing 95 slang words for money and their meaning will really amaze you. You won’t believe how some of these funny and interesting terms came to be synonymous with cash money.
For those having problems on how to tell farther vs. further apart & which one to use correctly, this guide shows you how. Many examples and easy to follow tips that help tell the differences between the two similar words.
For anyone who has ever wondered how to get your made up word in the dictionary, this article explains it. Learn what, how and who decides which words end up in the lexicons of today’s languages.
The “Word of the Year” is a tradition carried out by several different dictionaries for the English language. Some of them already decided on the Word of 2016. But who bestows these awards? When did the tradition start? Find out here! Including a full list of all “Words of the Year” for the English language.
Do you have problems misspelling certain words? If you’re like most of us, then chances are this list containing 289 words most commonly misspelled in English can help you. See which words to avoid misspelling.
The words awhile vs. a while often causes problems for many people. Since they both are so similar, a lot of us have issues deciding between both of them. This article has many tips showing how to tell them apart and when to use them properly.
This list of 15 crazy and weird words in the English dictionary will really surprise you. Check out some really cool and wacky words you could use in your writing or conversation but know nothing about.
Very helpful article detailing the redundancies to avoid when writing. Many examples showing why writers often make the mistake of using similar words in succession. Also, an entire list of redundant words to avoid using.
Take a look at this guide which shows the correct way on using bi, by, buy and bye homophones. These similar spelled and sounding words can cause confusion for some people. Many useful tips and examples to help you tell them apart.
For those people wondering how to tell the differences between where vs. were, wear and we’re, check out this helpful article. Find out how to be able to tell which of the word to use properly and when.