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Lie as in not telling the truth and lie as in being in a horizontal position are verbs that sound and look exactly the same. Yet, it’s not only their meaning that differs, but also it’s tenses. Don’t get them mixed up with this table. Plus, find out how the verb “to lay” fits into the picture.

You do not want to miss reading this haves and have-nots explained article. Find out how this famous idiom came to be and why it was and still is so widely used. The answers may surprise you.

For those wondering what the top 10 languages in the world are, this list containing them will reveal it. You will not only be surprised to see which one is number one, but also about those that made the list, and those that did not.

You won’t believe these 9 reasons why handwriting benefits our brains. See the difference in impact which writing with our hands has on us when compared to methods such as typing, texting and others. You won’t believe the benefits your mind and health.

You don’t want to miss these tips on how to write a research paper. This guide contains a helpful step by step process showing you where to begin, finding a topic, and organizing your info. Other tips to make sure your research paper is a complete success.

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What’s a conjunction and what do we need them for? What purpose and meaning do they have when used in day-to-day talking and writing? We have the answers for you in this article that explores the usage of conjunctions in the English language.

Very helpful article detailing the redundancies to avoid when writing. Many examples showing why writers often make the mistake of using similar words in succession. Also, an entire list of redundant words to avoid using.

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What’s an adverb? What does it do in a sentence? How can I distinguish it from other words? These and more questions will be answered after reading this article. Check out what you need to know about adverbs to use them properly.