How to Write a Research Paper

If you’re a student or someone that needs tips on how to write a research paper, then this article offers many useful tips. For a lot of people, there will come a time when they will be required to prepare a research paper. Research papers are in part, a consensus of academic writings created from an answer to a question. That work is based on consulting various sources to help you answer your question. They can be based on technical, social or scientific issues. The final paper is then based on deductive reasoning from both your evaluation and interpretation of the content found from your research.
In addition, these insights will also contain complete documentation for proof to show where the findings derived from. Each author or writer does his or her independent work and research into whatever topic they pick. Below, are several tips on how to write your next research paper.
Pick A Topic –
One of the first things you need to do in order to begin working on your research paper is finding a good topic to write about. For best results, it is recommended that you pick a topic that not only interests you, but also challenges you. In most cases, there may be a limit to what exactly those topics are based on your classroom or other required guidelines. It is very likely that whatever attitude you have towards the topic you pick, will end up determining several points.
For one, the amount of effort and secondly, the enthusiasm you put into the work and research. It can be very difficult for anyone to do a great research. Even more so, if you select a topic you are not interested or care about. Once you have made that decision though, you need to make sure it is a broad topic. One example is if you select ‘cars’, you need to narrow that research a bit more. Instead, you may want to choose ‘fast cars’ or ”expensive cars’. Whatever topic you end up picking, just make sure that there is enough research available for that particular subject.
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Gather Information –
Most students today, have the advantages of a plethora of information available to them. This means you can go online and find almanacs or encyclopedias. You can also find useful websites or URLs. However, you need to be sure you pay close attention to the sites you are using as reference and research. Select websites with either .gov – government, .org – non-profit organization or edu – educational institution. This is important because there are too many sites which are commercial and may be trying to sell you something as opposed to giving you real reporting and facts. There are also loads of inaccurate and false sites as well. You can also find books in your local library or book stores.
Seek Advice –
In most cases, you may find yourself struggling to break through in the beginning of your work. You may also have trouble finding a topic that really lets you feel as if it’s right for you. Seek advice from classmates, friends, coworkers or teachers. They can end up adding to your idea or give you options you had not thought about. While you may be hesitant to ask someone – especially a teacher or professor – in the long run it will make a big difference.
Be Original –
For anyone in a big class, it is very likely that others may pick the same topic you chose. Because of that, make sure you are being original in your writing. This means ascertaining that your research will be interesting and unique. Give the synthesis your own personal touch to make it stand out from the rest.
Follow A Tentative Outline –
There’s a very important outline you need to follow in your work. That tentative outline is as follows:
- Introduction
- Body
- Conclusion
You can find more detailed breakdowns of actual outlines depending on your topic. Just be sure to organize and write your work logically and thoroughly.
Keep Notes Organized –
While doing your research is very important, it will mean nothing if you do not keep your notes on it organized. That means verifying the information you gathered, making sure it is up to date and using the best resources. Be sure to include opposing views to give support to your work and thesis. You may choose to highlight certain sections or annotating what you want to use most. Be sure that you organize them according to the outline.
Write A Draft –
Once you have all the info together, your next step is to write a draft of your research. Start by summarizing, paraphrasing and then putting it all in cohesiveness. If you are using note cards, then start putting them in order accordingly. Once you have the draft, then you can concentrate on what areas need work and are missing information.
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Finalize Your Draft –
Now that you have it all in place, the last step is to finalize your draft. If you are absolutely happy with your work, then it is time to prepare it. Now your last step is simply checking it for grammatical errors, figures and facts. You can use Online Spellcheck to make sure all your words are correctly spelled. Lastly, make sure your work reads fluidly and that your readers will understand your message. Keep your targeted audience in mind since it will be them whom you are trying to reach.