How to Beat Writing Block and Motivate Yourself To Write

If you love to write, whether professionally or just for fun, then chances are there will come a time when you will suffer from what’s known as “Writer’s block”. This is the condition of finding yourself being unable to think about what topic or matter to write about or how to go on with writing. Here at Spell-Checker we have put together some great tips on how to beat writing block and motivate yourself to write and keep writing.
Writers Get Blocked
While some people may find it hard to believe, there are actually a large amount of writers out there who do not really enjoy or like writing that much. This sounds kind of crazy to some, especially if those people make their living writing. However, the truth is that the writing process can be a torturous and exhausting experience. Furthermore, writers can have trouble staying focused long enough to finish the job. So what’s a writer to do in order to keep his or her desire and fire for writing alive and burning? There are some helpful hints to follow. Still, keep in mind that what may work for some will not necessarily work for others.
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It’s Okay to Daydream
Without an imagination or allowing him or herself to daydream, chances are there would be millions of already published books not written at all. A writer needs to be able to daydream and imagine certain scenarios which will motivate them to keep writing. Perhaps you see yourself as a successful writer who’s suddenly on the cover of several magazines and your book at the top seller list. Whatever the reasons may be to get you to write then dream it and see it in your mind as being accomplishable. Apply this logic to your writing and perhaps let it show forth in the writings itself. If you can’t be a superhero or a movie star in real life, then at least take it to the pages of imagination where words can make anything possible.
Work Around Your Emotions
Stress and emotional breakdowns affect all of us at one time or another. However, they can be crippling to a writer and one of the most difficult times to get through. It is extremely challenging for a writer to be inspired or want to write during or after a break-up, family issues or when they are simply not feeling good about themselves. Perhaps writing about how you feel may help you feel better about yourself and act as a pain reliever. The fact is that some of the greatest love songs or work have been written by artists whilst they were going through some really emotional turmoil and hard times. Anguish and pain can be a great source of inspiration to some; especially when you aim towards proving to others that you can make it. Put your emotions on paper. Even if you burn them or throw them away later. Who knows, you may end up writing the next best seller.
Stick to Your Deadlines
While deadlines may not work for some people, there are others who are motivated by them. This is even more so when you set yourself to stick to them at all costs. If you are writing for someone as part of a job then this is crucial because not keeping your deadlines can mean the difference between keeping or losing your writing gigs. In case you are writing for someone and you have deadlines to meet, then always remember that writing is your job and like all jobs, you have to do yours. Never leave deadlines until the last minute. Try to do the work at least a day or two earlier depending on the size of the content you need to write. Sometimes, while you may be playing with words, you can end up finding one single sentence which can inspire thousands more.
Write About What You Love
Genres in the book industry are always changing, just like in Hollywood movies or TV shows. Many writers are always tempted to write about the current flavor of the moment and end up losing themselves because they are writing about things they have no love for. Whatever it is you love to write about, then write. Words will flow right through you as a fawcett left open all day. If you don’t love the novel or story you are writing about unconditionally then chances are you may not ever finish it. There is no greater inspiration to a writer than love and loving what he or she is writing about. Of course you can always write about certain genres in order to sell your work or get it out there. However, when you truly love what you are writing about, the words will come a lot easier and faster.
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There are many other good tips and tricks to which can help you whenever you are suffering from writer’s block. Along with these, they can instill and inspire you to do what you do best which is to write. So grab a pen and a piece of paper. If not your computer or typewriter. Whatever it is you use to write, get it and use it to write the next top seller. You never know when that will happen unless you write.