3 Strategies to Become a Better Writer

For some people, writing is easy. For others, it’s a huge challenge. If you think you’re one of the latter, the following tips can help become the former. It will take time, but you’ll be spending that time walking in the right direction. So here are 3 strategies that can help you become a better writer.
1. Fix your weaknesses
No one’s born a perfect writer. Writing is an acquired skill. Even the big names in the writing industry have to climb the ladder one step at a time and they don’t stop learning even after they become famous.
“What kind of stuff should I learn?”
Start with your biggest weakness. Where do you fall short? For example, writers from non-English-speaking countries may struggle with colloquialism. If you’re one of them, research a boatload out of it. Search Google for articles explaining the correct use of colloquialism. Watch movies and see if you can spot their usage, taking note of the context.
When you think you’ve got the hang of colloquialisms, start peppering them on your writing. Listen to feedback and critics until you’re comfortable using them. Do note that you should not stop midway to start working on your other weaknesses. Tackle one at a time.
2. Get out of your comfort zone
Writers tend to have a distinct style that they stick to unconsciously. The big problem is, when you stick with a style for too long, you can’t grow.
Stepping out of your comfort zone may sound scary, but it doesn’t have to be that way if you plan it right. For instance, if you only ever written fiction where the characters are rowdy and uneducated, try rewriting your old stories where the characters get in trouble with the law. This can help you familiarize yourself with legal talks that can be quite a challenge to master.
If you’re the type that writes in third-person, try writing short pieces using the first-person point of view with plenty of dialogs. You’ll be surprised at how much growth you can make by doing these simple things.
3. Proofread
When it comes to academic writing, bad grammar and spelling can cost you dearly. Actually, it’s no different when you’re writing fiction. Bad spelling can still ruin it for you. That is why proofreading is so crucial.
One of the easiest ways to proofread is to read your work aloud. It’s an effective way to spot bad grammar, poor word choices, wrong spelling, and other imperfections. Using a tool doesn’t hurt too. Use a spelling checker tool to weed out those terrible spellings. It can save you plenty of time, especially when you’re writing a very long piece. Using a tool is not a sign of incompetence. It’s about using what you have at your disposal.
Whenever you need to proofread, just head over to online-spellcheck.com. You can enter a URL of your document, upload it from your computer, or upload from the cloud. It’s really convenient.