Flattery is The Art of Persuasion
“Flattery will get you nowhere!”, some people say. That is quite an odd thing to say these days. Flattery will get you everywhere if you use it correctly, within context, and in moderation.
In a persuasion text, for example, flattery will get you far. Copywriters know this very well. That’s why they praise their readers before asking them to do something. You can try it yourself when you want people to subscribe to your newsletter or Youtube channel.
But why does flattery works anyway? Well, here are two reasons why.

Flattery makes people feel good
People love compliments. It’s already hardwired into our very being.
We love it when a colleague compliments our new ties. We also love it when our kids say just how good of a parent we are. That’s why we’re so open when that colleague asks for a favor or when our child asks for some extra cash right after saying the compliments.
After a compliment lifted our mood, doing any kind of favor seems trivial. As a matter of fact, even the person throwing the compliment is a stranger, you can’t help but feel a bit warm inside. Had that not been the case, then copywriters would have a difficult time trying to make you buy something.
Flattery puts people in good light
Everyone has their own good qualities. By placing your audience’s positive characteristics under good light, you’re positioning yourself as someone who appreciates them.
Sure, some people are a bit conceited and place themselves on a higher pedestal than they should, but that’s hardly your problem. The thing is that you acknowledge them and that will stick with them unconsciously for a long time.
Flattery makes people feel confident
In copywriting you want to push the readers past their indecisiveness. A well-timed flattery is just what you need to give the extra nudge. If you’re having trouble with conversion rate on your website, use flattery before asking the visitors to buy, call, subscribe, or any other action.
OK, now you know that you should flatter your audience before you make a request. That said, remember to check your spelling especially when it comes to writing.
There will come a time when you want to greet the readers with “Your Highness” but you end up writing “Your Heinous” because they sound similar in your head. So, please double-check everything before you publish your writing online. In case you need help with spelling and grammar, you can always rely on the online spelling checker to discover spelling mistakes in your copy.