How To Spellcheck A Blog Article? [TUTORIAL]

When you write a blog article, you are writing for a big and very public and far-reaching medium: the internet. This means that, depending on your platform or your topic, you reach quite an audience. Of course your content is what really matters and if your content won’t click with your audience, you have no chance. However, that doesn’t mean that you should neglect spelling and grammar!
Especially on the internet, people are quick to point out any mistake you made in your writing. This naturally comes when reaching a broader audience. Thus, we always encourage and advise you to check your blog article for any mistakes regarding grammar and spelling.
What, however, if you already published it? You don’t have to go back to WordPress or your blogging platform of choice to copy-and-paste your article for a thorough spellcheck. You can do so easily online by simply entering your article’s URL!
And we will tell you how to!
Spellcheck A Blog Article
If you already pressed send and published your article without checking spelling and grammar thoroughly, you don’t have to do that all by hand. This tutorial will show you how you can easily spellcheck an already published blog article – online and for free.
1. First, you need a blog article you want to check. We will use this one. Copy the articles URL and…
2. … head over to and from there to Spellcheck A Link. There, you can paste the link of your article into the URL field. Optionally, you can manually set the language of your article, but the automated detection works more than well. Then, click on “Check Text”.
3. Depending on the length of your article and the visual content of the page in general (images, etc.), it may take a while until your article is processed. If it’s done, however, it will look something like this:
4. Check the text for errors and mistakes. You can do so easily by using the arrow buttons.
Your blog is likely to contain more text than just your article though. If you want to remove text from your bio, navigation or other pieces of content, you can click on “Edit Text” and delete those parts.
5. What’s likely to happen in a blog article is that certain words are marked as mistakes or errors even though they are not. You can see this in the example above as well. This happens with proper names, foreign words, etc. Luckily, there is a way to train your online spellchecker to filter out these false positives.
After doing so and rechecking the text, all you get are the mistakes you really should correct in your original blog article.