Spice Up Your Resume – Social Media Job Application

In the past, we have given you many guidelines about the style of your resume, cover letter and your job application in general. We touched on questions for your job interviews and other important topics revolving around job hunting and the right presentation of yourself as a valuable employee.
Check out all our job hunting tips.
Today, we go a step further! While traditional applications are still the norm and required by many companies (today mostly in electronic form), especially jobs in a more creative field need some extra spice added to the job application. Thus, we have searched and found 5 inspiring and creative social media and online resumes.
Draw inspiration and make your next application stand out from the rest!
5 Amazing Social Media Job Applications
1. The Interactive YouTube Video
Job interviews, of course, serve the purpose of asking the possible future employee a number of questions. It is also a tool to get to know you, the applicant, though. How’s your personality, will you fit into the team, do you exhume an aura of creativity and motivation.
If you want to give your future employers a sneak peak into your personality and show off your creativity, apply for your next job with a YouTube video!
Graeme Anthony has successfully scored a job using his interactive YouTube video resume.
Above you see the intro video to his video job application. At the end of the video, watchers and potential employers can click on the different annotations that will lead them to more videos explaining Anthony’s skills and contact information, or showing off his portfolio.
2. The Talking Resume
An online or social media job application does not have to replace a traditional application. It can also build on it. Or, as in the following case, lift it to an entirely different level.
Victor Petit has found a way to combine a traditional on-paper resume with a possibility to express himself verbally. His paper resume contained a QR code that gave him the opportunity to put more personality into an otherwise quite regular application.
At first, nothing much is setting the written resume apart from others, but after flipping the page, one is greeted by Petit’s face and a QR code. The part left out of the photo is filled once a recruiter scans the code and places their phone onto the marked spot. A video starts to play, showing Petit’s mouth, creating a more personal and very creative vibe. QR code generators all over the web even allow you to personalize the QR code you can use for your resume.
3. How To Buy An Employee
Some resume’s sound eerily familiar to product descriptions, don’t they? Well, why not offer yourself or your precious time for a job interview on the internet? Different e-commerce platforms and plugins make it possible for recruiters to “buy” you on your own homepage.
Mike Freeman used the Shopify platform to offer meetings with potential recruiters. This unique way to give out his time was aimed at Shopify itself who of course hired Freeman on the spot.
The “product offer” and corresponding website/webshop provides all kinds of information about Freeman and his skills and allow recruiters to schedule a personal meeting with Freeman right away.
4. The Reverse Job Application
The usual hiring process is structured as follows: A company advertises a post, all those interested apply, the company chooses who they want to hire. Why not turn things around for a change? What if the ones looking for a job are the ones handing out the offers?
Andrew Horner did exactly this. Using the domain ReverseJobApplication.com, he put out a “job offer” for potential new employers. Instead of applying for a job, Horner provided a platform where companies could submit job offers to him.
5. The Infographic Resume
There is a more visually appealing, fun and likewise informative and professional way of designing your resume: Infographics. They are interesting to look at, not only on Pinterest or Facebook feed. Why shouldn’t you incorporate this into your job hunting? Recruiters and companies will surely enjoy looking at a neatly designed infographic just as much.
Randy Krum has gathered several examples of infographic resumes. Have a look at them. Which one are most appealing to you? More traditional ones or those that look like subway maps?
What Can You Learn From Them?
Creativity goes a long way. Today, with the masses of job applications and resumes, you have to be able to stand out from the crowd. Getting noticed is the first step to get hired. And how to better get noticed nowadays than by offering your applications online?