How To Get Your Made Up Word In The Dictionary

Do you have a word you made up yourself and want to get it in the dictionary? As crazy as it may sound, it is actually something you can do. For anyone out there who ever wondered how to get your made up word in the dictionary, the following guide has some really great tips.
Most of us have certain words we use to call our friends or loved ones. Problem is that often times, the words may be something that is not an actual word or in the dictionary at all. Those cute phrases your parents or grandparents may have called you when you were a baby count. Words such as “frubbie”, “boobie-berry” or “cutiecoggle” are some most of us may not have ever heard. However, somewhere out there, someone is quite familiar with them since they were called that.
Have You Coined A Word Yet?
Believe it or not, most lexicographers – people who compile dictionaries – often get asked “How do I get a word I have coined into the dictionary?” That’s because individuals are constantly making up words as a way to uniquely make a point. This is especially true when it comes to teenagers. Whether it’s in school or while they are hanging out, kids are constantly making up weird words that only they understand. While many never make it past their circle, some end up becoming popular and even making it into the dictionary. However, the popularity of a word or widespread usage of it, does not always guarantee that it will end up in the book of words.
Here are 15 Crazy And Weird Words In The English Dictionary
For those people who decide which words will make it, there are several factors that go into place. For one, they have to see exactly how the word is being used. They also have to make sure that the word serves a purpose that similar words do not. That means that even words which may be used by many, still need to fill a gap in the English language – or whatever language it is being used.
Influence & Fame Counts
People who are famous or have a lot of influence on society have a greater chance of getting a word inserted in the lexicon. That includes writers, actors and politicians. One recent example is a word used by U.S. President Elect Donald Trump. “Yuge,” which is actually meant to be “Huge,” is found in meme, news and all over the internet these days. Although it is not in the dictionary yet, the word is quite famous and known. The renowned writer William Shakespeare popularized and coined hundreds of words and phrases in his lifetime. Many of them such as – buzzer, elbow, addiction, lonely and lustrous – are still used today.
We can also credit Dr. Seuss who first coined the word ‘nerd’. Other famous people who coined words are Stephen Colbert. In fact, the popular media personality received the 2005 Word of the Year award for his word ‘truthiness.’ Another way to get a word into the dictionary is if you invented, discovered or created something without a name. Many scientist and other entrepreneurs out there have made it into the lexicon and history books due to something they not only discovered or invented, but gave a name to as well.
You can learn more about Word Of The Year – A History here.
It Could Happen To You
The truth is that with social media being what it is these days, anything can become a media sensation overnight. That means any word you have invented or made up, could end up becoming famous and used. And while that does not always guarantees that the word will end up in the dictionary, it is a great start. Even if it doesn’t, you can at least take comfort in knowing you were part of something great for a while. So don’t give up and “Powernuke” yourself to creating a new word. You never know, it could happen to you.