How to Write a Good Science Paper

Writing a good science paper is hard, but we’re here to help. We’re going to show you the structure of a good science paper along with some pointers that you need to keep in mind.

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The Structure of a Good Science Paper

The structure of a science paper is as follow:


* Introduction


What was the problem you’re trying to solve? Use the introduction to establish the context of your work and explain its importance. Present the purpose of the study in the form of questions and hypothesis. Also, explain the things you know and didn’t know prior to the study and how the study is expected to improve your knowledge on the topic.


* Materials and methods


How did you solve the problem and what materials did you need to it? Include all the relevant information related to the object(s) being studied then describe how you carried out the study. Organize your sentences so the readers understand the logical flow of your study method.


* Results

What did you find out?  Present your key findings objectively whether they’re positive or negative. Remember that your job is to present the findings only. Reserve any interpretation for the next section.


To help convey your results as clearly as possible, use a combination of text, tables, and figures. Just make sure that each table and figure is presenting different data.


* Discussion

What does it all mean? Now is the time to interpret your key findings you’ve just described in the result section. Answer the questions and hypothesis you presented earlier in the introduction.


Always connect your key findings with what others have found by explaining any similarities and/or differences. Referencing other people’s work also helps in interpreting your results.


At the end of the discussion, draw a conclusion based on your interpretations. Remember that your conclusions must be drawn from the data presented in the result section. Never introduce new results in the discussion section.

Some Pointers to Help You Write a Good Science Paper

Now that we’ve got the structure taken care of, let’s discuss some pointers that can help you write a good science paper.


* Use the past tense

Since your work is done, using the past tense throughout the paper is the correct approach.


* Use active voice


Occasionally, you can’t help but use the passive voice, especially when describing the result. Still, whenever possible, use active voice as much as you can.


* Limit to one message per paragraph


Each paragraph must cover only one topic. Most of the time, you present the main idea in the first sentence then use the following sentences to elaborate on the idea.


* User short sentences


Short sentences are easy to read and understand. You’ll get your point across easier that way.


* Avoid redundancy


Don’t repeat what you say just to state its significance.


* Go for quantitative over qualitative


Instead of saying “Seeds in group B germinated faster than the seeds control group did” say “Seeds in group B germinated 5 hours earlier than the seeds in the control group did.”


* Proofread your work

. Read the paper aloud or have your colleague do it to find flaws and grammatical errors in your paper. You can also rely on tools such as an online spelling and grammar checker if you’re not confident about your grammar.