6 Tips for Travel Writing

Travel writing is becoming somewhat common these days. So many influencers and common people alike filling their blogs and social media accounts with their recent travels and adventures. After you’ve spent a while reading those blogs, you’ll notice that some draw you to those faraway places stronger than the other. Why is that? How come some travel journals just seem better than the rest of the crowd?

Image By: https://unsplash.com/@changlisheng

6 Travel Writing Tips

Here we have listed 5 travel writing tips to help you leave great impressions to your reader. It’s not a complete list, but it should give you a good start.


Be natural

Imagine you’re talking to a close friend, sharing your new-found experience. That’s how a good travel writing is supposed to feel like. Throw away the idea of being formal and such. Make the reader feel connected to you. Let them live your adventure. That’s what they ask for and that’s what you should deliver.


Follow a clear storyline

When you have a story to tell, a clear storyline helps the reader understand the flow. Craft the first paragraph to outline your story and grab the readers’ attention. Then fill each paragraph with noteworthy events in your travel. Leave out the mundane stuff like going to the hotel from the airport unless there’s something essential to tell.


Be sure to have the last sentence in each paragraph acts as a lead to the next. Here’s an example: My search for the best Pad Thai in Bangkok was supposed to end at the Thip Samai restaurant, but a friendly chat made that search continued. Then, in the next paragraph, tell the readers which restaurant served the best Pad Thai you’ve ever tasted.

Entertain your readers

Travel writers should never brag about their journeys. Your goal is to entertain your readers with your travel experiences. Show your readers what makes the trip worth your time. You have five senses to experience the world around you, use them in your writing to create a vivid image of your experience. Make them live your life even it’s only for a quarter of an hour.


Avoid clichés like a plague

Welp, looks like we need to practice what we just preached. Anyway, be aware to avoid clichés such as “To travel is to live” or “Take the road less traveled”. Chances are your readers have read them far too many times already.


One cliché you’re free to use how many times you like is “Take only memories. Leave only footprints” and its many variations. Why? Because irresponsible travelers have ruined thousands of gorgeous travel spots on Earth. They ransacked the place and left bags of trash as if their moms will clean up after themselves.


Be upfront about any endorsement

When you stumble upon a glowing review of a product, don’t you ever wonder if the reviewer was paid to do so?  Well, people have the same feeling when they read an article or blog post about a place they never heard of. A small voice in their heads will ask if the article is genuine.


Frankly speaking, there’s nothing wrong about endorsements as long as you’re being truthful about them. Disclose any form of payment you receive and affiliate commissions you make when the reader buy through a link in your article. That’s what credible travel writers do.


Summarize it

People travel for various reasons. Many travel to see new places and expose themselves to different cultures. Others travel to recharge themselves after a long week at work. Tell the readers the reasons you went on that specific destination in the first place and whether going there fulfill that goal. Summarize the pros and cons of that destination too. It really helps when you put all the good and bad things in one place.