Don’t miss reading this article showing the history and origin of the words catsup and ketchup. Find out which one of the two you should use. Very interesting facts about both the words and how one became more popular than the other.

For those that want to know how long paragraphs should be, this tutorial guide explains. Read what the required or set amount of sentences in a paragraph are. Also, if there are any grammar rules about them as well as some other useful tips.

All of us are always looking for help with better writing. These 11 great tips for improving your writing can offer insights you may not have thought about or known. Very useful tips for those who want to become better writers.

For those having issues with the words than vs. then and which one to use, this article can help. Very useful tips as well as samples sentences to help you tell them apart more easily and faster.

If you want to know about the homophones To, Too and Two and which to use correctly then take a look at this guide. Contains some very useful tips and examples to help you tell them apart more easily.