Treat Your Mom With A Loving Mother’s Day Letter

Mom’s are the BEST!
And they deserve all appreciation and gratitude we could possibly give them. While every day should be a day when you put some extra thought into little things to do for your mother, there is one special day coming up that is internationally devoted to tell our mother’s that we love them.
So why not get something really special for your mother this Mother’s Day and enhance it with a love letter for your mother!
A Love Letter For Mother’s Day
Your mother is the first woman in your life. She cradled you as a baby and kept you save, watched your steps when you grew older and lay awake worrying when you did not come back home at night when you were a teen. She gave you your life and will never, in the depth of her heart, stop worrying about you.
Sure, a love letter is usually meant for a lover, someone you are courting or wooing. Does that mean you can not send a love or loving letter to someone else that you love, that owns a constant place in your heart? No, you can send a love letter to everyone, and if there is someone especially deserving, then it’s your mom!
Getting started? Check out this article about How to Write a Love Letter
What To Write
Of course, writing a love letter to someone you fancy is different than writing one to your mother. Equally, a letter to a friend or to your relatives on Christmas can hardly be compared to sending some loving lines to your mom. Here is some inspiration for you to find something to write about to in your Mother’s Day letter:
Teacher & Student
Your parents are the ones that teach you how to walk and talk, how to share and care for pets, and many other things that helped you to become an independent human being. Not everything they taught you was taught actively though.
Point out what you learned from watching your mother that helped you in your life. This can range from how your parents interacted with each other that influenced your view on love, to how your mother took care of the household. From how she managed to balance work and family life to how she handled conflict and seemingly unsolvable problems.
Don’t feel ashamed when mentioning big and personal things. But also mention the little things that are way too often overseen, like cleaning tips or money saving advice.
Many memories are shared between your mother and you, however how we remember certain things differs from person to person. Pick some memories you have about time spend with your mother and let her in on your very own take and interpretation of these times.
It can be surprising and touching for your mother to read how you remember things she may have forgotten, or how you emphasize occurrences that she, maybe, deemed not as important to you.
Make Her Feel Good & Loved
Who doesn’t like to be praised? In your letter, state why not only why you love your mother, but also what makes her an amazing person altogether. Point out your mother’s greatest strengths. What are some of her biggest achievements? Let her know that no efforts and successes, however small they may be, did not go unnoticed.
Other Things to Keep in Mind
Apart from the content, here are some other things to keep in mind:
- use quality paper
- avoid grammar and spelling mistakes
- use informal speech
- hand-written is more personal than a printed paper