Blog Writing: How to Write Great Blogs

Writing a blog may seem like something everyone can do, but that is not the case. Those who have just started writing blogs know this well. How to write great blogs, is another story.
Of course, the writing process itself is not unpleasant, but it should be mastered. If you expect to just sit down at your laptop and write a great text in one go – you will be very disappointed. As a result of such disappointment, many are giving up blogging for good.
However, this is not proof that they do not have writing talent. As with everything else, it is only necessary to invest a little bit more effort and patience. In this article, find out just the right formula for writing fantastic blogs! Carefully apply each of the tips, and improve your writing skills and the quality of your texts.
What are the main phases in the creation of a blog post?
First, break down the process of writing a new blog into phases. Nothing, not even writing a good blog, is that complex if it is divided into smaller and more appropriate segments.
Learn more about each of them in the next 6 steps:
Step 1. Ideas for a new blog
A creative block can happen to any writer, but the fact is that bloggers are curious and creative people who very rarely (read: never) run out of good ideas for new articles. Bloggers simply need to think ahead! Therefore, you should always have at least 10 ideas in reserve that you want to inform your readership about.
If you are wondering how to come up with ideas, here are a few suggestions:
Read articles from the same niche you write about yourself
Most bloggers will find new ideas while surfing the Internet, reading, browsing social networks, listening to podcasts, or the news. Often, only one sentence is needed to give us an idea for a completely new text. Do the research, the ideas are everywhere.
Write down your ideas
How many times have you done some everyday thing, like cooking dinner, and inspiring thought went through your mind? At that moment, you probably couldn’t leave everything at once and sit down at the computer to write. But, it is desirable to write the ideas down. Make a note. Send an email. Whatever suits you, but do not take your “spontaneous” ideas for granted!
Answer the questions and requests of your target group
In the digital age we live in, it makes no sense to say that we do not know what to write about. Right? There are countless groups on social networks, there are forums, and blogs where the audience asks questions daily in hope that they will find some answers. For example, write a longer article with answers to ten FAQs or answer each of these questions in the form of a short text. Out of curiosity, ask your audience directly what they want to read about in the coming period.
Without education, there is no inspiration!
It is important to remember – no one knows everything about everything. A successful blogger knows that it is necessary to continuously improve, learn and gain new insights in the field that is the focus of the writing. Long-life learning, ftw!

Ivan Samkov on Pexels.
Step 2. Make the draft
In the second phase, the focus is more on thinking and less on writing.
Do the following: Write down on a blank page all the thoughts that come to you randomly related to a particular topic. What is important not to omit, and what would be superfluous? Cover all segments of the topic you want to cover. Make a draft.
Step 3. Writing a blog
Many think that writing for a blog only considers composing a good text with a handful of useful information. However, the information should be known and presented in a way that will be easy for the audience to follow and understand.
What do you need to pay special attention to at this stage?
Stick to simplicity
Experience teaches us – it is simplicity (and focus on the essence of the topic) that always wins when it comes to blogging. Use professional terminology as needed, and try not to write too much content. There is no need to prove yourself to anyone. It is surely possible to gain the reader’s attention, but you should also be able to retain it.
The structure and formatting of the article
Take care of the structure of the article during the writing process.
- Use titles and subtitles
Readers must move easily through your article. You can best achieve this by dividing the content into meaningful wholes.
- Use short paragraphs
As you know, a blog post is not the same as a chapter in a book. Let’s be honest. Would you click on the blog and read (in full) a huge chunk of text? Apart from the audience, search engines love (keyword-rich) headlines and short paragraphs!
- Additional formatting
Throughout the text, use bullet points, lists, and bold or italic text. Emphasize what matters.
- Take care of the font size
Do not put your readers in a situation where they get too frustrated while reading your blog. Avoid using small font sizes.
Let the words flow
At this stage, it is not necessary to take into account meaningful and grammatically correct sentences.
Turn off your cell phone
Protect yourself from any kind of interference.
Step 4. Revision of the written text
If you are thinking about starting to write a blog, but still occasionally feel discouraged, you are not alone. A lot of people find themselves in your shoes. Some of them are convinced that they do not know how to write well. It is good to remind them that the most important thing is to write! Then, the revision follows!

Ivan Samkov on Pexels.
Tip: Re-read your text a few days after you finish writing.
Go back to your text over and over again. As many times as needed. Each time you will look at it from a new perspective, spot mistakes, use different terms. In other words, you will make certain sentences more meaningful. All of the above is important for the quality of a text. For some, reading aloud will help, so give it a try. It is better to precede the planned deadline than to publish an article you are not satisfied with.
Step 5. Adding Images
We do not use images just for aesthetic reasons, and that is why posting a randomly selected picture is never a good idea. If the text is not good, a nice picture will not be of much help.
But yes, we do need the visual content because of the audience, and because of the search engines. Keep in mind –graphics and images should be informative.
If your text does not require this content, you still need to upload at least one image due to the browser. Title this image the same as the keyword for which you optimized your article. It can be a featured image of your contribution. For better search engine rankings, you should use charts and tables (everything that will keep the audience longer on your blog).
Step 6. Publishing a blog
We have reached the last phase of the blog writing process. When you are done with the revisions, it is time to take a step back. Take a break. Read your article the next day. When you are sure that everything is as it should be, press the Publish button.
Enjoy writing your blog and this whole process! Was it not the main reason you started writing it anyway? 🙂