How To Add Personality to your Writing

You may be tired being told to add personality to your writing, but there’s a good reason why many blogging experts giving such advice. A distinct voice makes it easier for readers to tell you apart from the crowd.
If you are intimidated by the thought of injecting personality into your work, don’t! After all, you don’t need to develop a totally unique personality to write a good article. Let’s face it, even if you’re one in a million, that still means over 7,000 people out there are just like you. That’s just the inevitable when you’re living on a planet inhabited by over 7 billion people.
Now, what should you do to give your writing a personality? Let’s discuss some easy ways to do just that.
Tell a Story
Telling your audience a story is a great way to connect with them. Your audience can get a glimpse of your human side from it. Obviously, we’re not suggesting you insert a novel into your blog posts or anything in that sense. Just slip in short stories once in a while to break the monotony.
Always double check that the stories you tell are relevant to the overall theme of what you’re writing about. Don’t add something that derails your readers’ attention from the important stuff.
Get to Know your Audience
It’s best to familiarize yourself with your audience to understand the what personality traits they find compelling. Failing to do so may make your writing sending off the wrong vibes.
This is especially true when you’re writing for businesses. The industry might be commending a specific character trait while dissing others. A commonly-used jargon that instills sophistication in one industry may be laughing stock for another.
Break the Rules
Some rules are meant to be broken. Should you are given the privilege to do so, take it! People who write strictly by the rules risks losing themselves in the process. So, in a sense, breaking the rules is essential to keep your individuality and personality.
The rules can be about anything but let’s talk about the use of spelling and grammar for now. For instance, if you cater to a younger audience you may want to insert slangs sparingly to make you sound cool and relatable.
It’s the same thing with grammar. Sentence fragments, for example, are frowned upon by any English teacher. It’s the same thing with starting your sentences with conjunctions. But as far as creative writing goes, you can go wild with your grammar. For anything else, make sure you put a bit of the leash on. Use our online tool to check the spelling and decide which spelling mistakes you’re going to keep.
Read It Aloud
After you get your article together, read it aloud yourself. Does it sound like a human being wrote it and does it sound like you? Add or remove necessary parts so you can answer yes to both questions.
Once you’re done with the edits, read it aloud one more time to someone else. Ask them the same two questions. This step is optional, but second opinions do help a lot. They let you spot things that you can’t just catch with your own eyes and ears.
That wraps our short tips on how to add personality to your writing. Granted, you probably won’t make the smoothest article after the first try. Don’t worry, though. You’ll get there when you get there.