How To Write A Motivational Letter For A Job Application

In an earlier article we have already shown you how you should best structure your motivational letter when writing one for a job application. With this, you are already one step closer to a motivated and attractive written application. Now it’s time to fill this structural skeleton with content!
First, we want to give you some general tips and guidelines you should follow when writing your letter of motivation.
Be Personal!
Your future employers want to know why you have chosen for this particular job, sure, but they also want to know why you want to work for their company above all others! Find as many information about the company that offers the job and add them to your description. This will show your interest in the company, your motivation that you want to work for them and no other, and that you are able to gather relevant information.
Also, go for a personal approach. If you find out the name of the human resource manager or another person that handles the application, address him or her directly.
- be concise and clear
- gather information about the company and the position
- gather information about the person you will have contact to
- express your unbiased motivation
Be strong!
The motivational letter is the place to express and display your strength, knowledge, and experience. Your weaknesses should not find a way into this letter – there’s enough time to discuss this in a job interview. Mention accomplishments in fields that are required in the job or are linked to it’s requirements. It’s also a good place to take a glance into the future; where do you see yourself in one year when working with the company?
But, by all means, don’t be boastful. Be realistic and point out your strength in a pragmatic and objective manner.
- avoid mentioning your weaknesses
- point out accomplishments in both education and profession
- mention past experiences that are valid and important for the job posting
- express your career perspective
- do not boast
Be optimistic!
Pour in some optimistic thinking when writing, and reflect it with your words. Show that you are thinking positively about the opportunity to work for the company, and that you are looking into the future very optimistically.
The motivational letter functions as a tool that sets you apart from other applicants. Show your enthusiasm and will to improve your skills and knowledge instead of stating that you lack experience in certain fields. Use sample qualifications when applicable.
- show that you are eager to improve
- be optimistic and positive about your potential future in the company
- distinguish your application from others
- mention qualifications
Be specific!
Don’t be vague, especially when there are opportunities to focus on problems you could provide a detailed solution for. This accounts for the company information you have gathered as well as your experiences and qualifications. Give detailed and specific facts and examples. It’s also advised to inweave some information about you as a person if it stresses your qualifications or favorable traits.
On the other hand, don’t drift away. Your facts should be relevant for the position you are applying for and not venture into less relevant fields. As specific as you have to be, keep things clear and brief.
- list concrete facts and examples
- only state relevant facts
- come up with a personal solution for common or known problems in the company/field
- tell something about you as a person
Be correct!
Once you added all important and valid information to the structure of your motivational letter, it’s time for one last check. There are a few common mistakes you can easily avoid by re-reading your letter of motivation, others may require an external spellcheck.
- Are your contact information correct?
- Are there no typos or misspellings in the company contact details?
- Is the date correct?
- Did you forget to add any important qualifications, experiences, or achievements?
- Did you drift off into vagueness or irrelevance?
- Did you sign the motivational letter?