How to Guide on Writing a Descriptive Essay

For those that are wondering what is the best way to write a descriptive essay, here are some important tips you should know and follow. This how to guide on writing a descriptive essay focuses on what you need to do to make sure you engage the reader with your writing.
One of the most essential factors to writing a great descriptive essay is to remember that capturing your reading audience’s imagination is the key. This means you need to engage the reader’s five senses with your words. Sight, touch, taste, smell and sound are the five senses which should be conveyed in some form or another with the words you put forth on your essay.
Describe Your Topic
Anyone who wants to successfully write a descriptive essay should know that they need to describe their topic to the reader. The reason behind this is simple; descriptive essays mostly always focus on a person, an item, an event, or a location. Showing the reader what you want them to know means that you need to illustrate for them your message. The audience should be able to see the picture in their minds that you illustrate through your words to them. It is not enough to write about the apple tree without mentioning how the apple taste, the air smells or how the grass feels. Captivating your audience via imaginative description will ensure that the person believes in your writing and the story you are describing to them.
Some writers create a column for each sense they are writing about to help them keep track and to assist them in describing their topic. You need to use literary tools to help you emphasize the senses you are delegating to the reader. Use descriptive adjectives, metaphors, personification and similes to make sure your details are felt, tasted, seen, smelled or heard.
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Finishing Touches
Another tip is to create an outline cataloging the specifics of dialogue of every paragraph and statement. You should also make sure that you create a statement which sets out the purpose of the essay. Once all of these have been followed, your last emphasis should be on writing the conclusion to your essay. In the conclusion, you should make sure you reaffirm your thesis (when and if necessary) so that your reading audience will keep that message in their mind. Doing this will establish the thesis or storyline in the readers minds long after they have read the rest of the essay.
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Finally, before reviewing your work, be sure to take a break. By doing this you will allow your head to clear itself of all that you wrote. This will end up giving you a fresh outlook on the work you wrote once you return to review it. Be sure to read the essay as if you are the reading audience and not the writer. Make sure you feel that your statement has been conveyed and understood. As always, check your work here on Online Spellcheck for any grammatical errors. Also, look for missing or misused punctuation or any other errors as well. The final work should easily leave you with a feeling of descriptive accomplishment via your own writing.