8 Ways To Improve Your Happiness, Productivity And Motivation

Life can be pretty tough and rough at times. In many instances, we come to a point where we feel as though we may want to give up or as if the entire world is crashing upon us. Just like the quote which says “When it rains, it pours,” life can seem that way sometimes. When bad things happen to us, they tend to happen in bunches. But life is too short and in order to succeed, we must be strong. For the most part, being happy is a state of mind which comes from being motivated to be that way.
Below, we have put together 8 ways you can improve your overall happiness, productivity and motivation. Whether you apply these tips at work, in your personal life, or both, they can greatly assist you.
Numerous studies have been done proving that exercising releases the good mood endorphins in our bodies. Those people that exercise regularly are less likely to be depressed or sad than those that do not. Also, exercising can be a great motivator which works in every aspect of your life. Lastly, working out also increases your overall health and diminishes your chances of getting sick. Your immune system will be higher when you work out more often. Finally, working out will improve your sleep, increase your happiness and sexual drivel.
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Connect With Nature
A few surveys done have come up with conclusive evidence that connecting with nature can vastly reduce stress. It will also improve your overall well being too. Taking some time to smell the air, enjoy your surroundings and connecting with nature, is a great booster. Being able to see just how wonderful life and the world are, can give you energy, vitality and increase your creativity.Those three, can greatly help to raise your productivity at work or home.
Think Positive
While some people may look at this and think it doesn’t really matter much, thinking positive can have a great effect on you and many other factors. Thinking positive can impact your relationships, economic circumstances, work performance and many other issues. Experts agree that positive thinking, raises our energy levels by as much as 30 percent. It also increases our productivity, creativity, and how we interact with others. To be successful and happy, you have to think positive!
Get Some Sleep
Just like exercising, sleeping is essential to your happiness, health, motivation and productivity. Sleeping, is sort of you investing in energy you will end up using the next day. Lack of sleeping will lead to both your body and mind being tired. Both of these can influence and affect your happiness, motivation and health. In addition, lack of sleeping can lower your immune system and lead to you getting sick easier. If you take a short nap once in awhile, it boost your energy levels, alertness and work performance.
Be Grateful & Thankful
There’s a great quote which says that “Happiness will never come to those that don’t appreciate what they already have.” Truth is, that being thankful and grateful to what we already have, can account for how good we feel about ourselves overall. Whenever we focus on what we don’t have, or what we should have, we lose sight of those things we have already achieved. Also, we make ourselves dependant on money or material things in order to be happy. Remind yourself that while having a new pair of shoes is great, there are those in life without even feet or unable to walk to use them.
Volunteer And Help Others
Nothing can bring more satisfaction to a human being than helping someone else. Even owning expensive material things cannot compare to the long term effects assisting others in need brings. Also, being able to see the needs of others, will allow us to be more grateful for what we already have. Take some time and do some volunteer work at your local church or community. The positive feelings of satisfaction you will get from bringing someone else joy, will result in happiness for yourself as well.
Laugh A Little
We have often heard it said that laughter is the best medicine. While some may think that this is just a cool quote or saying, it is actually proven to work. Research has shown that those who laugh more, are less likely to be stressed and sad. Laughing a little (or a lot) can also reduce your risk of a stroke, heart attack and other health problems. Laughing a little, is a daily vitamin which we all need since it cures and heals us from within. Plus, laughing is contagious and you may just cause someone else to laugh with you.
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Focus On Your Strengths
We are all good at certain things. If you are courageous, modest, funny or able to inspire others, focus on that. Whatever your strengths are, exploit them, to help yourself, and those around you. Use them to improve your work or personal life. One of the best ways to making our world a better place is by dwelling on our strengths, rather than our weaknesses.