The Correct Way On Using Bi, By, Buy And Bye

If there are a group of words which cause problems for people when spelling and writing, it is homophones. Because homophones are words which have the same pronunciation, or same spelling but different meanings, they can be really confusing. Four of those homophones are bi, by, buy and bye. Just like so many that fall in this category, they can cause confusion for writers, students and many others. Luckily, here at Online Spellcheck, we focus on some ways to help you tell the difference between them all. Here are some great tips to show the correct way on using bi, by, buy and bye.
Similar, Yet Different
Nothing drives students and writers more crazy than words which are spelled almost the same, are pronounced the same, but have different meanings. These homophones cause mass confusion for people all over. The following are some examples on each of these four homophones. In addition, we will show you how to tell them apart and use them properly.
You should also read The Difference Between Homonyms, Homophones And Homographs
BI –
Although it only contains 2 letters, bi sounds exactly like the words by, buy or bye. Bi is actually a short way to say “twice” “or “two.” It is used in the formation of compound words such as bi-weekly, bi-annual and biennial. Although there are several other meanings in the dictionary, these are the ones most associated or used for bi.
One of the things which causes issues with people about the word bi, is that when added to the front of others, there are many to use.
Some examples are –
My sister has a friend who is bi-polar.
I saw the forms which are bi and ax.
I love my job because I get paid bi-weekly.
Those people who are bi-lingual have an advantage over those that are not.
Being bilingual gives me an advantage over others when looking for work.
I’ve just found out that my girlfriend is bi. (short for bisexual)
By –
Unlike bi, the word by has many different meanings. By is a preposition and you can use it when referring to getting along or as route. You can also use it when trying to identify the author of a book or project. There are numerous other meanings such as via, near, past, beside, and so on.
Because there are so many ways in which to use the word by, it can cause problems. It is one of the most commonly used words by people in the English language and dictionary.
Examples Are –
Have you read the book by Hillary Clinton?
I feel really sick, but I will try to get by the rest of the day.
Can you please pass by the supermarket now?
The recent spike in high prices are driven by supply and demand.
That girl is both smart and beautiful and seen by many as such.
Buy –
The word buy is a lot easier to use and decipher than the other 3. Quite simply, it means to purchase or acquire something by paying for it. One can also use it as a way to bribe or get something through sacrifice or extreme effort. Just like by, the word buy is one of the most regularly used words in the English language. Buy can also be used as noun or a verb.
Examples are –
Without money, there isn’t much you can buy.
I tried to buy the shirt I saw on TV but the saleslady said it was the last one.
She buys everything when it’s on sale.
I’d buy that for a dollar!
If you can’t borrow the hammer, then just buy one.
Bye –
Unlike the other three previous homophones, bye is much easier to use and tell apart. That’s because it doesn’t have multiple different meanings such as by. When people want to say goodbye, they use bye as an abbreviation of the word. In addition, the word bye also refers to sports competition when a team has a bye week.
Examples are –
I really hate to say bye to my boyfriend each time we separate.
Do you know when she said good-bye to them?
The NY Jets have a bye this week and it comes at a great time.
Let me just say bye for now.
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Once you can learn the proper usage of each of these words, it can make it a lot easier to properly utilize them. Concentrate on the word(s) you have the most difficulty with. As you become more comfortable with that one, it will make it a lot easier to use the proper one.